2023 Wrap-Up

ILTACON Europe 2023 Recap

Allen & Overy • London • 15-16 NOVEMBER 2023

Premiere Education & Networking

ILTACON Europe 2023 redefines how we engage with the legal technology industry. With nearly 330 registrants and many incredible speakers, colleagues, and networking opportunities, it was certainly a week to remember!

This year, we had topics ranging from Microsoft workshops to the future of generative AI. At ILTACON Europe, there's always something for everyone.

The excitement doesn't stop there — the connections made at our events can last a lifetime. ILTA doesn't just offer premiere education, networking is as important to us as it is to you.

A word from ILTA's Board President

As President and delegate, I am pleased to reflect on another successful ILTACON Europe and thank the staff and co-chairs Damien Behan, Karen Jacks, and Andrew Powell for their excellent work. This year's conference aimed to exceed the high standards set at the previous year's event by offering attendees an immersive environment for cutting-edge legal tech conversations, diverse international speakers, and unparalleled networking opportunities under the roof of A&O LLP, one of the world's premier law firms. For me and many others I spoke with, this aim was far exceeded.

The most encouraging aspect of ILTACON Europe 2023 was the enthusiastic participation from attendees, bringing together professionals from different parts of the legal industry to create an atmosphere of borderless collaboration for sharing ideas and experiences. Topics such as the effect of AI on the legal sector, cybersecurity, data compliance, ours data's growing cardon footprint and human behaviour were explored.

During networking breaks, attendees shared their insights and lessons learned, and ILTACON Europe has fostered greater collaboration, innovation, and ultimately improving the legal industry.

Overall, it was another outstanding year, and I am excited about the future of ILTACON Europe and the legal tech industry. We remain dedicated to providing our members with meaningful education, resources, and growth opportunities while maintaining the sense of community and connection at the heart of ILTA.

Thank you to our 2023 Speakers ...

Dr. Hannah Fry
Professor, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at UCL

Jamil Qureshi
Performance Coach, Psychologist Author & Keynote Speaker

Jeffrey Roach
President, Encoretech

Joy Heath Rush

Matt Watts
Chief Technology Evangelist, NetApp

Nina Schick
Creator - The Era of Generative AI

Paul Barlow
Account Technology Strategist, Microsoft

Rob Archer
UK and European Director, Cognacity

Ella Sy
Business Futures Strategy Director and Consultant at GDR

Stephen Paterson
Chief for Tech & People Evolution at AND Digital

A Word From Our CEO

ILTA is and always has been Peer-Powered. The planning team for ILTACON Europe expressed this concept of Peer-Powered so clearly and simply for their roles: “We want to design a conference that we want to attend.” And they delivered brilliantly!

There was some strong tech content from Microsoft (any thinking about Co-Pilot? Anyone not thinking about Co-Pilot?) and from Matt Watts at NetApp. I learned quite a bit about the new Outlook – and what Co-Pilot brings to it – as well as about Yottabytes and the sustainability (or lack thereof) of keeping every email and dm every written. Did you know that 18% of the entire electrical grid for the country of Ireland goes toward supporting the big three data center providers? I didn’t.

Our two-day event opened with the always inspirational Dr. Rob Archer, who talked with us about the importance of resting and recharging. For those of you who have seen Dr. Archer before, yes, we were eagles. But we were also humans communicating about the difficulty of resting, especially in an industry as fast-paced as tech. I loved hearing from colleagues about their challenges and incredibly creative solutions. Thank you, attendees!

On day 2, Hannah Fry, Professor of Mathematics and Bloomberg TV personality, showed us truly fun math can be, as well as incredibly important. A lot of what we do in our daily jobs has to do with patterns, and departures from patterns. Professor Fry provided powerful examples of how looking at the wrong data, incomplete data, or data in the wrong context can lead to poor decisions. What does this mean for us as technology professionals? Know what data you need to make a decision, then make sure you have it and that you trust its quality and completeness. That can be a tall order.

Ella Sy of GDR spoke to us about the Customer Experience: The New Frontier. Her slides need to be required viewing for all of us in customer service. In other words, all of us. We all have customers. She communicated clearly about the level of control we have over the customer experience, even if we cannot always control what is happening with the technology itself.

These are just a few highlights from what was a fabulous – and unexpected! – programme for a tech event. However, the real stars were our attendees who participated, asked questions, and interacted, as well as our sponsors, who made it all possible. Please allow me to thank the team at ILTA member firm Allen & Overy for their hospitality and unfailing helpfulness. And a huge thanks to ILTACON Europe Co-Chairs Damien Behan and Karen Jacks, as well as to Tony McKenna and Andrew Powell, for producing an event that I, for one, was thrilled to attend!

See you in November 2024!

A Word From Our Co-Chairs

Building on the excellent feedback from last year, with ILTACON Europe 2023 we looked to create an event that brought delegates the best speakers in their fields, encouraged them to think differently, fostered conversation and offered plenty of networking with peers and business partners.

We were delighted to return to member firm Allen & Overy in Bishopsgate to bring together Rob Archer, Hannah Fry, Ella Sy, Jamil Qureshi, Matt Watts, Stephen Paterson and Nina Schick, as well as a deep-dive session from Microsoft on Copilot in Law Firms and ILTA’s President and CEO providing an update on the organisation and its international aspirations.

Topics looked beyond the legal sector with the performance routines of elite athletes, the near future of tech advances from a professor of mathematics, customer experience in the fast moving and highly competitive retail sector, how to think differently to do differently, what a Yottabyte is and the impact of data on sustainability, the digital skills gap, and of course generative AI with deepfakes thrown in for good measure.

This is fundamentally what ILTA is about – high quality education, networking, connections, and community. Jamil’s session explored performance and high performing teams, and defined success as connecting two unconnected things – it’s the fostering of connections that makes ILTA such a useful community, and we think that the format of ILTACON Europe allowed delegates to do precisely that.

One of our speakers quoted Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” We very much hope that delegates and business partners felt the sense of community that ILTA brings to this sector, and look forward to next year’s event.

... and our 2023 Sponsors!